Retirement Planning

Whether you are already retired or just on the cusp of retirement, meeting your income needs, desires, and expenses is paramount to help you live the life you want during retirement. Let our team help you evaluate the variables in your retirement plan to ensure your goals are being met.

  • How much do I need to retire?
  • Am I on track for the retirement I desire?
  • What’s the best age for me to retire?

Your answers will be unique, and your plan will be too.

Investment Management

The Munroe Morrow Wealth Management team goes beyond just investment advice. Whether you’re investing to build wealth, protect your family, or preserve your assets, our personalized service focuses on your needs, wants, and long-term goals.

  • What needs to be addressed in my portfolio before I retire—and after?
  • Is it better to invest in a tax-free or a taxable mutual fund?
  • Should I invest in mutual funds or individual securities?

Risk Management

Our investment advisors will help you methodically evaluate all potential risk factors. We continually identify and analyze risk factors to provide you with the peace and comfort you need.

  • What should I do in a market downturn?
  • What should I do in a market upturn?
  • How can I mitigate my tax liability each year?

Stock Options & Equity Compensation Analysis

Your company stock options can be a financial game-changer. Partner with an advisor to ensure you’re taking advantage of opportunities to:

  • Understand how and when to divest company stock to achieve your financial goals.
  • Analyze tax opportunities and tax-reduction strategies.
  • Develop a smart stock option exercise strategy.

Estate Planning

Preserving wealth from one generation to the next can be complex and time-consuming, and navigating today’s complicated tax and estate laws can be challenging. Let us help provide the advice and guidance that will give you financial confidence.

  • If I have a living trust, do I still need a will?
  • What is probate?
  • When should I make updates to my estate plan?
  • How can I preserve my wealth for family or a charity?


Charitable giving can be an empowering tool in financial planning. Not only are you able to donate to charities that are important to you, but you’re also able to take advantage of tax savings. Our team will help you align your charitable giving interests with your short-term and long-term financial plan.

  • How much does charitable giving reduce your tax liability?
  • How do I decide how much to donate, and which charity to choose?
  • Can I leave a charitable legacy to ensure future generations continue to give?

Tax-Savings Strategies

All financial decisions have tax ramifications. Tax liabilities associated with income, estate, gift, and various state, excise, and sales taxes can impact your wealth. At Munroe Morrow Wealth Management, we recognize that implementing sound financial strategies often requires collaborating with other professionals to ensure all areas of your financial life work in harmony. Our financial and investment advisors work closely with your attorneys, tax accountants, and other professionals to form a cohesive and effective team to serve your best interests.

  • How can I manage taxes on my current income?
  • How can I minimize taxes on my investments?
  • How can I mitigate taxes on my retirement savings?

Other Planning

We can help you develop a comprehensive plan to:
Identify and pursue your lifetime income goals to align with your retirement plan.

  • Minimize taxes on income and investments.
  • Review your estate plan and charitable giving.
  • Provide sound advice for investing, stock options and equity compensation strategies, and ways to mitigate risk.

Cost Of Services

Our costs are based on the assets we manage and the overall complexity of each case. Reach out to us for a consultation, and we’ll go from there!

Let’s Connect

Are your finances streamlined? Are you getting the kind of service you want from your financial advisor? We want to empower our clients to live meaningful lives. Let’s discuss what that looks like for you. Schedule a complimentary consultation today.

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